wind turbine and solar panel with digital icons overlayed - digitalisation - mainstream renewable power


Leveraging data to build a greener world

We are transforming our business to make full use of leading developments in big data, artificial intelligence, and new best-in-class tools to accelerate the energy transition.

Digital by design

Optimal site selection

Prioritising project sites with higher production potential, lower CAPEX/OPEX and minimizing environmental impact.

More efficient decision-making

Improving our efficiency, collaboration and quality in data driven decision making to increase our competitiveness.

Improved uptime

Highly available cloud computing platforms give operators greater visibility and longer operational service.

Reduced operating costs

AI-driven inspections and monitoring of critical systems to anticipate faults before they occur.

Preserving natural habitats

Drones, cameras, and monitoring software all play a part in continuous environmental monitoring helping to preserve natural habitats across vast areas.

Lowering Grid Volatility

Using historic data to optimally dispatch energy to lower grid volatility.

Optimal energy production

Optimised wind turbine generator layout to achieve optimal annual energy production.

In the Aker Horizons group we have successfully developed a number of digitalisation initiatives thanks to the powerful collaboration of our subject matter experts and software development in house.

Tove RØSKAFT, Head of Offshore Wind

Digitalisation is a key differentiator that helps to bring certainty in an industry that sees ongoing changes and challenges.

Working closely with our partners Cognite we are seeking to innovate and transform our business in order to accelerate the energy transition.

Patrick Warren, Chief Technical Officer


Early Site Assessment & Optimisations

This in-house developed software helps us to prioritise sites with high energy production potential, lower costs and minimise environmental impact. Mainstream’s geospatial constraint analysis assists in identifying the best potential sites for offshore wind farm development.

The powerful algorithms we have developed assist our team in analysing thousands of possibilities by providing fully optimised wind turbine layouts to achieve the maximum potential.

Wind turbine in jeffreys bay

Intelligent Wildlife Monitoring and Preservation

Driven by stage 5 of our Global Development Standard, all Mainstream projects undertake a comprehensive assessment of the needs of the local environment in order to protect biodiversity and support wildlife preservation.

With our partners, we have developed an optical AI system that uses a collection of cameras in and around project sites to automatically track and identify wildlife. Through a system of machine learning, our teams can learn about the behaviours and variety of species in our project areas.

Thanks to this innovation, Mainstream can drive research that benefits the wider industry while also delivering a cost-effective way to manage turbine shutdowns during migrations and protect biodiversity throughout the lifecycle of our wind farms.

CGI of NextWind Digital Environmental and Production Monitoring - showing a real offshore wind turbine and a digital twin offshore wind turbine used for data analysis - Mainstream Renewable Power Digitalisation

NextWind Digital Environmental and Production Monitoring

Together with our sister companies Aker Solutions and Cognite, the NextWind project aims to create digital tools to improve the reliability, safety, efficiency, and sustainability of floating offshore wind farms through funding from the California Energy Commission.

The goal is to create a data gathering platform for real time data sharing, enabling industry and academia to drive product improvements, increased environmental interactions, understanding for State and Federal authorities and other interest groups.

The research explores how to use these data-gathering technologies on and around the floating offshore wind platform to create a digital representation of not only what is happening on the platform and production, but in the world around it, all in real time.

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woman in protective equipment on a construction site - mainstream renewable power global development standard

Our Global Development Standard

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