Modern Slavery Act Statement 2021

Published: July 2022

This statement which was submitted for approval by the Mainstream Renewable Power Board of Directors on 22 July 2022 is made in accordance with section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps that Mainstream is committed to taking to identify and combat slavery and human trafficking risks in our business and supply chain.


Mainstream Renewable Power is a leading pure-play renewable energy company, with wind and solar assets across global markets, including in Latin America, North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia-Pacific. Mainstream is one of the most successful developers of gigawatt-scale renewables platforms, across onshore wind, offshore wind, and solar power generation. It has successfully delivered 6.5 GW of wind and solar generation assets to financial close-ready. Mainstream Renewable Power’s head office is in Dublin and is the main holding company of the Mainstream group. Mainstream adopts a group-wide approach to addressing modern slavery risks in its operations and supply chains.

In May 2021, Aker Horizons acquired a majority stake in Mainstream, and in March 2022, Mitsui & Co., Ltd., joined Aker Horizon’s as a long-term strategic investor. Aker Horizon and Mitsui now own 54.4% and 27.5%, respectively, of Mainstream.

The Mainstream group has over 550 employees worldwide.



Mainstream’s business model involves the early identification of greenfield sites in high growth markets which are then developed as utility-scale renewable energy assets, built and operated. We work with a broad range of suppliers including turbine manufactures, EPC contractors, balance of plant engineering services, specialist electrical equipment suppliers and installers and construction contractors, as well as technical and information service providers to all of our offices worldwide.

We seek to appoint contractors with high integrity who follow best practices in regards to the environment protection, climate change action, employee health and safety, working conditions, equality and equitable pay.



Mainstream is committed to working to prevent any form of modern slavery or human trafficking taking place in our business and supply chain and we look to develop projects in accordance with the Mainstream Global Development Standard © (“GDS”). The Mainstream GDS, which is our in-house project development system, is benchmarked against the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the World Bank Group Environmental, the 169 ILO Convention, Environmental, and Health and Safety Guidelines. It is also aligned with the IFC Environmental and Social Standards and the Equator Principles with a view to adhering to international best standards throughout all stages of the project lifecycle.

Our Modern Slavery Policy and the Mainstream Code of Conduct reflect our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings. Our recruitment policies and processes are focused towards encouraging and supporting the fair treatment of all employees and contractors in accordance with the highest standards of labour practices. The Mainstream Whistleblowing Policy is freely accessible to all employees and provides for confidential reporting on any matter deemed to be in breach of company policies including human rights violations.

As part of our initiatives to identify and mitigate risk of modern slavery or human trafficking we undertake thorough due diligence on our potential partners and key suppliers. We require partners and suppliers to share our commitment to combating modern slavery and human trafficking in their own supply chains. During the 2021 financial year, we continued with our implementation of due diligence questionnaires for potential new partners and key suppliers, seeking information from these parties on their own organisational structures, policies on modern slavery, subcontractor arrangements and compliance monitoring. Where a potential new partner or key supplier does not have a modern slavery policy, Mainstream requests them to confirm in writing that they will adhere to Mainstream’s Modern Slavery Policy. In 2021, we continued to implement new wording, on the prevention of modern slavery, into our contract templates.


All staff are required to comply with the principles set out in the Code of Conduct and Group Compliance Policies including our Modern Slavery Policy. It is company policy to ensure that all employees are made aware of the risks which modern slavery and human trafficking pose to our business and we will continue to promote and create awareness of our policies in this regard.



Mainstream is firmly committed to a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of modern slavery and we will continue to demonstrate this commitment in all aspects of our business in the forthcoming financial year.

This statement has been approved by the Board of Directors and signed off by

Mary Quaney
Chief Executive Officer

Date: 22 July 2022


Modern Slavery Statement Year Ended 2020 (PDF)

Modern Slavery Statement Year Ended 2019 (PDF)

Modern Slavery Statement Year Ended 2018 (PDF)

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