Phu Cuong Soc Trang Wind Farm

Developed by:

Mainstream and Phu Cuong Group

Project Owners:

Mainstream and Phu Cuong Group

The 1.4 GW Phu Cuong Soc Trang offshore wind farm is a joint venture between Mainstream and local company, the Phu Cuong Group. It is located off the southern coast of Vietnam and will be the largest offshore wind farm in South-East Asia when complete. The wind farm will be developed in two phases; Phase 1 (200 MW) and Phase 2 (1.2 GW).

Phase 1, the first 200 MW of the project has received its Decision on Investment and Investment Registration Certificate (IRC) from the Soc Trang province.

Offshore wind

Soc Trang province

1.4 GW Gross

In Development

Mainstream and the Phu Cuong Group entered a joint venture agreement in 2017 to develop the 1.4 GW Phu Cuong Soc Trang Offshore Wind Farm. The wind farm will be developed in two phases; Phase 1 (200 MW) and Phase 2 (1.2 GW).

The project has reached a number of significant milestones to date including:

  • Phase 1, 200 MW included in the government’s Power Development Plan 7;
  • Investment Registration Certificate (IRC) received for Phase 1;
  • Second LiDAR installed on location of Phase 1 and has completed the wind measurement campaign;
  • Site geotechnical investigation and metocean surveys, grid system impact studies, submarine cable systems and turbine foundation designs in progress.

In tandem to desktop analysis, and in support of the sustainable development of this project, the local project development team are engaged with local indigenous people and fishermen to discuss social and economic benefits that could flow from the project from a series of meetings and consultations.

Once operational, it will power over 1.6 million homes and avoid around 1.8 million tonnes CO2 emissions each year.

When operational


local homes powered each year (total gross capacity)

1.8M tCO2e

avoided each year (total gross capacity)


Mainstream ownership of project

Charting the new future with Vietnamese fishermen 


The Phu Cuong Soc Trang project has reached a number of milestones:

  • 2014: Installed onshore metmast to measure onshore wind speed.
  • 2018: Offshore Lidar M1 installed.
  • 2018: Environmental Impact Assessment commenced.
  • 2018: MetOcean studies commenced.
  • 2019: Offshore Lidar M2 installed.
  • 2019: Grid system impact study completed.
  • 2020: Submarine cable system design and turbine foundation design.
  • 2021: Agreement with province on Transmission line route.
  • 2022: Grid connection substation construction start.

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The local fishing and indigenous communities will be our nearest neighbours. We are committed to sustainable development and to ensuring that the project will bring opportunities to them. Our goal is to be a good neighbour and not to adversely impact fishing livelihoods.

Bernard Casey - Chief Operating Officer, Mainstream APAC

Media Enquiries

Emmet Curley

Head of Communications and Positioning