Mainstream Renewable Power and Ocean Winds project secures grid connection for 1.1 GW floating offshore wind farm in South Korea




10 October 2024


South Korea


KF Wind

Pictured at the signing ceremony, left to right, Byung-Joon Samuel Kil-Lim (PMO Manager for KFW), Guzman Figar (Country Manager of OW Korea), Austin Park (Project Director for KFW), Filip Meuleman (Technical Director for KFW), Ken Oh (Electrical Senior Manager), Leif Holst (SVP Project Development at Mainstream Renewable Power), Nicolay Bergli Alexandersen (Lawyer for KFW).

KF Wind, a floating offshore wind project being developed off the coast of Ulsan by Ocean Winds and Mainstream Renewable Power, has secured a Transmission Service Agreement (TSA) with Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) for a total of 1,125 MW of clean power to be injected into Korea’s national grid.

The agreement covers the first phase of the project, East Blue Power (375 MW) and the second phase, KF Wind (750 MW) with the interconnection point for the project located at KEPCO’s Shinonsan onshore station in Ulsan.

Commenting at the signing ceremony with KEPCO today, Austin Park, KF Wind’s project director, said, “This agreement marks a very important milestone in the development of KF Wind and a major step forward towards getting the project ready for construction.”

KF Wind is actively making progress in the development of its sites after achieving approval of the Environmental Impact Assessments, from the Ministry of Environment, Trade and Industry. Upon completion, the Ulsan floating offshore wind farm cluster, that includes KF Wind, and totalling around 6 GW, is expected to become the world’s largest floating offshore wind area, significantly contributing towards Korea realising its carbon neutral targets.


Media contact:

Emmet Curley
Head of Communications
Mainstream Renewable Power

[email protected]

Phone: +353 86 241 1690

About KF Wind

KF Wind is a project being developed off the cost of Ulsan, South Korea. It is a joint venture company owned by Ocean Winds (66.7 percent) and Mainstream Renewable Power (33.3 percent). The project is currently in advanced development stages with exclusive rights of development through two Electric Business Licences (EBL) obtained in 2022.

With a 1,125 MW installed capacity the project has two phases; the first phase is East Blue Power (375 MW) and the second phase is KF Wind (750 MW). KF Wind has secured its Environmental Impact Assessment approval from the Ministry of Environment for the totality of the two-phase project, and it has completed its geo-technical survey for the first phase of the project, East Blue Power.

Total Statistics for the three sites for the two phase KF Wind project:

  • Installed Capacity: around 1,125 MW
  • Grid connection Capacity: 1,125 MW
  • Location: 80km off the coast of Ulsan, South Korea
  • Power generation: 4,000GWh of electricity annually to power the equivalent of over 1.3 million households
  • Environmental benefits: Reduce nearly 3 million tCO2eq greenhouse gas emissions every year
  • Technology: Semi-submersible floating offshore wind

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KF Wind

Korea Floating Wind (“KFW”) was established by two offshore wind energy companies, Ocean Winds and Mainstream Renewable Power, along with the Korean electricity specialist Kumyang Electric Co. Together the partnership has a unique mix of capabilities and experience to deliver successful projects.

Two floating projects are being completed by KFW; the 750 MW KFW project, and the 375 MW East Blue Power (“EBP”) project.

KFW is a participant in the world’s largest group of floating wind farms, the Ulsan Floating Windfarm, which will have a total capacity of 6 GW.  KFW projects will cover an area of over 240 km2 which can accommodate approximately 1.1 GW (net capacity).

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Media Enquiries

Emmet Curley

Head of Communications and Positioning