Mainstream awarded CDP Leader status for supplier emissions engagement




9 February 2021



Mainstream’s commitment to sustainable development has been recognised with the award of Supplier Engagement Leadership status by an independent emissions reporting body, placing it in the top 7% of companies gobally.

Environmental impact organisation CDP has today published its global leaderboard of corporations actively working to reducing CO2 emissions across their supply chains.

low emissions concrete being poured into a wind turbine foundation

The use of a low-emissions concrete mix lowered the carbon footprint of new South African turbine foundations by a third

It placed Mainstream among a leading group of fewer than 400 companies worldwide of all those that disclosed their carbon emissions to the 2020 CDP climate change survey.

Performance on governance, targets, Scope 3 emissions and value chain engagement was also assessed in the calculation of Supplier Engagement Ratings.

During the recent construction of two wind farms in South Africa – Perdekraal East and Kangnas – Mainstream worked with contractor Concor to use a low emissions concrete mix in the foundations of 109 wind turbines, reducing their CO2 footprint by 32.5%.

Highlighting the example of the company’s leadership, Chief Operating Officer Bart Doyle said: “Mainstream has a vision of a world electrified by renewables, and we rely on our supply chain partners across all our global markets to work with us to deliver that vision.

“It is great to have this recognition from CDP that our collaboration with our colleagues like Concor are making a material contribution to reducing the impact of climate change.”

CDP report finds supply chain emissions are on average 11.4 times higher than operational emissions, more than double previous estimates

It has been estimated that the average organisation’s upstream emissions are around 11.4 times greater than those from their direct operations, a figure that CDP says illustrates how vital supplier engagement is to achieve science-based climate action targets.

Sonya Bhonsle, CDP’s Global Head of Value Chains, said: “Companies’ emissions don’t end at the factory door. Meaningful corporate climate action means engaging with suppliers to reduce emissions across the value chain.

“Despite the challenges from Covid-19, in 2020 nearly 400 companies achieved a place on CDP’s Supplier Engagement Leaderboard. Congratulations to these companies – as a Supplier Engagement Leaders, they are driving the transition towards the net-zero sustainable economy.”

Last September, Mainstream was named among the global standard-setters in the annual CDP audit of corporate environmental stewardship.

For the third year in succession, the company was awarded Leadership status for its transparency and mitigation of climate impact risks. CDP’s scoring places us in the global top 8% of more than 9,600 companies that entered its 2020 disclosure process.

View and download the CDP report Transparency to Transformations: A Chain Reaction.

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