Perdekraal East Wind Farm

Developed by:

Mainstream Renewable Power

Construction Managed by:

Mainstream Renewable Power

Construction Contractor:

Concor & Conco consortium

Technology Supplier:

Siemens Gamesa

Operated by:

Mainstream Asset Management South Africa

Commercial Operation Date:

Q4, 2020

Owned by:

Lekela Power consortium

Perdekraal East became the first wind farm in Bid Window 4,of the f Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP) to reach commercial operation.  The wind farm was built within 27 months  even with the disruption of the Covid-19 lockdown. 

A notable achievement was the development of a domestic supply chain with more than 48% of the wind farm’s content being manufactured in South Africa, including its 48 turbine towers, a 500 MVA mega transformer and other components previously only available as imports. 

Onshore wind

Western Cape

110 MW Gross


Powering 111,100 South African homes each year

Perdekraal East Wind Farm generates enough green electricity each year to supply up to 111,100 South African homes and eliminate some 410,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions. 

During construction the Perdekraal East Wind Farm supported the local community by providing 400 jobs at the peak of construction. The community continues to be supported through community investment and this wind farm along with its sister wind farm, Kangnas Wind Farm, is expected to contribute over ZAR800 million to the local community through its lifetime.

Mainstream Asset Management South Africa manages the Operations of Perdekraal East Wind Farm.

By the numbers


local homes powered each year


avoided each year


generated each year


hectare site

Delivering the goods in South Africa to a fast-track timetable

As part of our focus, we provide assistance to community-based organisations in developing programmes for the youth. This accredited Care Workers training course is especially tailored to help community members who are ill at home and choose not to stay in a hospital, as well as learners who need assistance at school.

Jo-Anne Brown, Economic Development Manager, Perdekraal East Wind Farm
Group picture of qualified care workers in uniform

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Media Enquiries

Emmet Curley

Head of Communications and Positioning