Aker Offshore Wind receives funding for Norwegian offshore wind study




3 November 2020



Aker Offshore Wind has been awarded a grant from Enova, Norway’s innovation fund for environmentally friendly technologies, for a pre-project that aims to reduce costs and increase maturity in important technical segments of offshore floating wind.

The overall objective is to better understand how technical solutions can enable use and development of a Norwegian supply chain and drive down costs over time.

“Today’s solutions are mature enough to move from the pilot phase to the development of industrial-scale projects. At the same time, the market for floating offshore wind is in an early phase and we continue to innovate and explore new solutions to support the step up to mass production. In this project, we will challenge the full technical system and explore how solutions can contribute to future Norwegian competitiveness,” says Geir Olav Berg, Chief Technology Officer of Aker Offshore Wind.

The launched project study explores how the supplier industry can develop and support the realization of offshore wind in segments such as fabrication, execution models and offshore technologies.

The study is funded by the company and a grant of NOK 10 million from Enova, for the current project phase. Enova is the Norwegian government’s enterprise responsible for promotion of environmentally friendly production and consumption of energy.

“Aker Offshore Wind aims to be a driving force in the industrialization of floating offshore wind in Norway and internationally,” says Astrid Skarheim Onsum, Chief Executive Officer of Aker Offshore Wind. “We appreciate the support of Enova and look forward to working closely with the Norwegian supplier industry as our home market matures.”

For further information, please contact:

Ivar Simensen, media contact, +47 46 40 23 17, [email protected]

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